AMA: Ben Reinhardt, Speculative Technologies
By Ben Reinhardt
Ben Reinhardt will be joining us for an AMA on Tuesday, February 21st. Ben has recently launched Speculative Technologies, a nonprofit focused on unlocking powerful materials and manufacturing technologies that don’t have a home in other institutions. Get your questions in!
Tell Good Stories
By Rahul Rana
Rahul investigates the role of storytelling in public enthusiasm for technology and the future. Leveraging public opinion from the Great Depression - which despite awful living standards was characterized by widespread excitement about the future - Rahul suggests our current state of high welfare precludes the need for optimistic stories, which invokes pessimism.
Now is the Best Time in History to Love and be Loved
by Tony Morley
Moving into the socio-cultural and emotional realm, Tony argues that improvements in human rights, the law, and cultural values mean being in love has never been more equitable, authentic and sincere than it is today. At the core of this phenomenon are advances in women’s rights, contraception, and greater equality among different races and sexualities.
A 21st Century Progress Myth
By Ellie Hain
Ellie offers a thought-provoking critique of the progress movement, arguing technocratic visions of the future fail to inspire faith and optimism among the public. The reason for this, she argues, is the currently-unsophisticated examination of what progress is for, namely improvements in human experience and welfare.