The Global Zeitgeist of Progress in 2023 is Broken; this One Media Trick Could Help
By Tony Morley
Tony discusses the recent decline in public optimism, spurred in part by COVID, climate change, and the invasion of Ukraine. The media have both caused, and responded to, this negativity in producing a long stream of “doom-bait”. It is incumbent upon us, tony suggests, to counter this trend by publishing inspirational, aspirational media that drives future progress.
The Roots of Progress's 2022 in Review
By Jason Crawford
Jason reflects on a bumper year for The Roots of Progress. As well as launching the forum, Jason has hired a new CEO in Heike Larson, is in discussion with a literary agent about his forthcoming book, has given numerous talks, and published articles for outlets such as Big Think. An exciting 2023 is in store.
Building Fast and Slow Part IV: Construction of the World Trade Center
By Brian Potter
Brian ties up his four-part series on building the World Trade Center and the Empire State Building. This final piece concludes discussion of World Trade Center, where he explores the complexities of such a large urban excavation project, and the contingencies of using so much steel when temperature swings were commonplace.
Age of Invention: The Pull of Cities
By Anton Howes
Anton analyzes the extraordinary influx of rural folks to London between 1550 and 1650, as it grew to one of the largest and most influential cities in Europe. He pays particular attention to feasting clubs —charitable dinners for migrants from specific counties— as an early site of remittances and community-building for urban migrants.
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