Japanese Political Economy and Industrial Policy
By Charles Yang
Charles explores the growing global interest in reviving industrial policy via an investigation of Japan, which has found great success through its Ministry for International Trade and Industry. In this essay, there are excellent insights regarding integrating sectors of the economy and aligning them with government objectives and regulatory strategies.
Our Relationship With Knowledge
By Tanny Talk
Tanny seeks feedback and commentary on her exploratory piece, which claims the notion that more knowledge = better is oversimplified and possibly causes more negative outcomes than is generally recognized. She uses the examples of food and nuclear weapons to claim that our thinking around knowledge production is outdated.
Is Progress Real
By Roger’s Bacon
Roger reposts an essay by historians Will and Ariel Durant, entitled Is Progress Real?, and appends commentary about its relevance to progress studies today. Contained therein is a critique of current conceptions of progress, claims that moral progress is undoubtedly real, and some challenging historical comparisons.
The Year of the Rabbit, How China Can Make Progress in 2023
By Tony Morley
Tony elaborates on the Great Leap Forward and the ways it has precipitated China turning its back upon much of the world. Yet the incredible rise in wealth and living standards for Chinese citizens is undeniable. This contrast frames current tensions between China and other major nations, but Tony insists that openness and positive-sum thinking are required now more than ever.
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