Philosophy in Space
By Kassi Dick
Kassi tackles the philosophical considerations for what is, hopefully, an age of exciting progress in space travel and exploration. Kassi mainly limits (!) her discussion to issues of our own Solar System, the technologies that can travel it, and the individuals crucial to making it happen.
Age of Invention: How the Dutch Did it Better
By Anton Howes
Anton investigates the history of Dutch financial innovation, focusing on how the Dutch had far greater wealth than their British counterparts despite comparatively weaker industrial and urban development. It is a case study in the importance of sound policies and customs to elevate material innovation.
The Progress of Brain Computer Interfaces
by Lev V.
Lev provides a fantastic guide to the state of brain-computer interfaces. Organized historically, he begins with Matt Nagle learning to play pong and open emails via sensors monitoring his brain waves. He tours the current state of the art, as well as the philosophies and motivations for current projects in this space.
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